Change your body with Rolfing

Part 3 – Sessions 8 – 10

Case Study

Rolfing Ten Series

The final part of our case study following a clients journey of the Rolfing ® Ten Series.

When people ask about the Ten Series and how often you should do the program we explain that the full series should only be done when necessary.  

Having regular maintenance sessions is the best way to keep the benefits.

It is an opportunity to give your body a complete realignment through a series of conscious manual treatment sessions that adjust the muscles, fascia and connective tissue and use the natural forces of gravity to allow the body to find their place.

Catch up on Sessions 1 – 3 and Sessions 4 – 7 before reading on!

C2 – Response to treatment

Today we worked on the upper torso. We saw positive results straight away. It was rather deep manipulation, at times. But not terribly discomforting. Anticipating my final treatments with this series.

Treatment 9 continues the process of how the practitioner can best achieve integration for the client.

Session 9

C1 – Response to treatment

To All,

Santiago worked on my neck and shoulder. This is the area that is most restricted in my body, and causes me the most discomfort.

Although, the process was painful, I thought that it would take more than 45 minutes to correct the problem. 

Here’s a question, is Rolfing a rigid form of treatment that it does not lend itself to some variation? For instance, if a client – I, for example – needs more attention in a given area of the body, then more focus is placed on the trouble area?

As I shared with Mandy, I’ve had to get over my initial disappointment that Rolfing isn’t a panacea – a cure-all.

Last night I had headaches stemming from neck, jawline, and temples — I had to apply pressure to the base of my cranium to relive the pain. Of course, I realize that the ninth treatment addressed an issue that has gone unchecked for quite some time.

Thank you.

Response from team


As always I thank you for your report and frank evaluation of the treatment and how you are feeling. 

In response to your question about the treatment process as I understand there is a protocol about how the session is conducted and this does depend on how the body responds. 

As we spoke about this is an amazing gift you have given yourself but it is also the beginning of the next stage of a maintenance program to see you through your life.  

For myself, suffering with similar structural issues in my neck like yourself, I know that if I do not release and exercise this area regularly I end up in chronic pain and very bad posture – and the last thing I want is a hump! 

I would be very happy to speak to you about having a treatment with another practitioner to release your shoulders and neck and your future body program. I am here to help you find the right balance for your body and thank you for the trust and opportunity you have given us to date. 

Warm regards,


Treatment 10

Session 10 is the final session in the series and although it also has a focus on integration it intends to give the body order and balance going forward.

C1 – Response to Rolfing treatment

Dear Mandy and Santiago,

First, allow me to offer my apology for a delay in sending my report for the last session. The simple truth is I simply had a mental shutdown (in a positive sense).

Mandy, yes I am keen to speak with you regarding some type of follow-up treatment to the Rolfing, such as, deep tissue massage with another practitioner.

Now connecting the dots – the pros & cons of the Rolfing®:

a) astutely aware of my body

b) motivated to loose weight

c) release of tightness in different areas of the body

d) an acceptance of age and its impact on the body

e) improvement in blood circulation in the legs (mostly); less pain in the feet – pain due to mild bunions

f) overall, a new blueprint for a better physical me is in the development stage

g) improvements were made; however, more adjustment and manipulation of the body is needed.

a) no drastic change in posture

b) the releasing of tightness cast attention on issues that were hidden beneath the tightness – for example, left shoulder area is more painful then it has been in years

c) the break between treatments bothered me, mentally. Explanation: I think I would have preferred the 10 treatments in 10 consecutive days. 

Now my thoughts on Santiago: he’s a trained professional who cares about his patients, which is evident by his willingness to listen to the patient, and to explain the procedure in layman terms. 

Mandy, Australia Studio offers a safe environment for its clients.

Thank you

C2 – Response to treatment

My last session went well. We worked on the upper body and my alignment, which resulted in lifting my shoulder and helping give symmetry to my body.

Overall, I am pleased with the results.

Before & After Evaluation

Rolfing Practitioner Santiago Pinto

C1Before photos (left) taken on the day of commencement / After (right) taken treatment 10 of the series.

On the front profile the shoulder girdle has found a new placement whilst the pelvic girdle has past beyond her best potential. There’s a new rotation that needs to be addressed. This may resolve in time, or what might be needed is a couple of additional sessions to give this area the needed adjustment.

The most obvious change is the positioning of the head. Her chin protrudes to the front reaching out locking long her back and locking short the anterior body. The pelvic has shifted to a posterior tilt opening the way for future changes that need time to occur.

C2 – Before photos (left) taken on the day of commencement / After (right) taken treatment 10 of the series.

More chest empowerment but I know that the body is still in the process of changing. Left side starting from the hip, shoulder to the left side of the neck has more space allowing to a less tilt of the head towards the shoulder. The head has not yet found its optimal position as it still accommodating the new position. The left arm and shoulders have found a new relationship to the torso, as the rotation is less pronounced starting from the right hip.

On the side profile the locked short back has gained more space and the locked long front has yield way allowing a new expansion of the chest, announcing a slight correction of a tilted pelvic.

Note:  My recommendation is that for us to have the best images of the benefits of the 10 Series we need to allow the body to settle and have another photo session 2 – 3 months post the final treatment.

Once completed, the wisdom of the Rolfing Ten Series will drive and support the body with health for years to come.  Ida Rolf

If you would like to speak more about caring for your body with Rolfing do not hesitate to contact us for a complementary 30 minutes consultation.

Mandy Keillor – Director



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