How detoxing has changed my life
by Mandy Keillor
Discovering the truth about detox
I have been detoxing since my 20’s.
My way to regular detoxing and cleansing has evolved not just from wanting to take the best care of my body and live a long healthy life but it has also been a tool that I have used to deal with some of my biggest life challenges.
Together with suffering from an eating disorder and body dysmorphia for all of my adult life, my wife and business partner Natalia developed life threatening allergies 14 years ago after moving to Barcelona and we needed to totally rethink our eating habits to ensure she was safe.
My first detox experiences back in the 80’s were with homeopaths and naturopaths. They created concoctions of herbs and supplements that I readily swallowed as teas, tinctures and tablets.
There was a lot of hit-and-miss and it was a significant financial investment but I learnt a lot about supplements and the positive effects they could have on my body. I also learnt that without the right food and diet to support the supplement programs you could not get the best results.
I was determined to find the way! I persisted through therapists, trends of juicing and the fads of boxes of herbal tablet detoxes, high protein, low carbs, raw food and fasts.
Finally the truth I discovered through all the years of detoxing experiences was that the most profound detox I could do for myself was with a strict balanced diet of clean, fresh nutritious food.
Recovering with detox - creating The Detox Journey
In 2005 we migrated to Barcelona. It changed my life.
Like many people when they move to a new country, and in our case hemisphere, my partner Natalia’s body did not cope with the dramatic change of environment, lifestyle and food. Not long after she arrived in Barcelona she started to feel sick nearly every day with stomachaches, headaches, vomiting and lethargy. This continued for some months until she had an anaphylactic reaction.
It was frightening. The most difficult thing was that we didn’t know what had caused it. All we knew was that it was something in her diet, something that she was eating.
The only way I knew I could help was to detox her body so we could rest and reset her system. We needed to remove all the toxins, cleanse her body and find a very good doctor who could guide us through managing her allergies so her body could recover.
Thankfully with the help of a wonderful client she was referred to a specialist who was able to diagnose her allergies.
I wrote my first detox program to care for Natalia.
It was the beginning of my journey to create a program to teach people to use food to detox in a sustainable, easy and practical way and lead me to write The Detox Journey.
Eliminating toxins with detox
The way we eliminate toxins is through respiration, bowel elimination, urination and perspiration. When our bodies are unable to sufficiently eliminate these toxic chemicals, we store them in our body fat, skin, hair, and our gastrointestinal and lymphatic systems.
Most of our diets contain preservatives. Just think about processed foods and refined sugars, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, prescription or recreational drugs and artificial food additives that might be in your lifestyle. These all have an accumulative effect on your health.
Detox allows the body do it’s job so it can eliminate these toxins.