We describe fascia to our clients as web that covers the entire body including their face.
This web connects, surrounds and holds all the connective tissues including your organs, blood vessels, nerve fibres, muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons and even your blood.
Your fascia is primarily collagen and elastin. It looks like a sheet of tissue but it has layers with a fluid called hyaluronan in between that allows it to stretch as you move.
Fascia is classified by layers including superficial fascia, deep fascia and visceral or parietal fascia. It can also be classified depending on it’s function and anatomical location.
If we go back to the analogy of the web just think about what happens when you disturb a web, it pulls, gathers or is disrupted. This also happens to the fascia in and on our body.
Healthy fascia is flexible, supple and glides. When it gets gummy and stuck it is an adhesion.