Pregnancy Pampering
Turn the last month of pregnancy into the best month!
The final month of pregnancy is one of anticipation, expectation and always a challenge on the body.
After many years of experience working with our wonderful expectant mothers we have created a program of specialist practices that they say have turned their last month of pregnancy into pure bliss.
Our pregnancy pampering program is the perfect gift for your wife, employee, boss, daughter or friend as they start their maternity leave!
Being cared for in these last weeks can prepare a mother both physically and emotionally and give her some special moments of peace, tranquility and relaxation to prepare for the demands ahead.
2. HypnoBirthing
The technique of HypnoBirthing uses a series of deep relaxation, visualisation and meditation techniques to connect expectant mothers with their innate birthing knowledge.
We offer a one day HypnoBirthing Essentials course that couples to take control of the labour process and plan the way their babies will be born, whether at home or in hospital, a natural birth or a cesarean.
Our HypnoBirthing practitioner is a specialist in the Mongan Method and has helped more that 150 women and their birthing partners rediscover their instinctive trust in the process of childbirth and bring their babies into the world with calmness and love.
One day HypnoBirthing Essentials Course dates can be found here at the bottom of the link.
3. Couples birth preparation
A 60 minutes couples session with the focus on the birthing partner.
During the couples birth preparation session you will be taught a combination of western (physical therapy) and oriental (Traditional Chinese Medicine) therapeutic treatment practices that can best support the mother during the birth.
Some of the techniques will include learning relaxation strategies, the best ‘positioning’ for each stage of labor, acupressure of specific points to relax and relieve pain, visualisation and psychological preparation for the couple preparing for the birth they desire.
5. Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Fluid retention is a common issue during pregnancy.
Lymphatic drainage massage is a very gentle technique to stimulate the body’s natural ability to detox and remove the toxins. It is a gentle, safe and relaxing treatment that can have a focus on one area or the entire body.
Lymphatic drainage massage can help pregnant women with:
- swollen feet, ankles and legs
- tiredness and fatigue
- boost immunity
- detoxification of their blood
- healing after birth
This treatment is very beneficial in the last trimester of pregnancy and the best results are regular weekly visits.
6. Acupuncture
Pre-birth treatment
Pre-birth acupuncture is a series of treatments in the final weeks of pregnancy to prepare women for childbirth.
Acupuncture can be used in 2 main ways in the later stages of pregnancy:
i. Pre-birth – It is a safe and effective treatment to promote natural labour, with an emphasis on preparing the cervix and pelvis for labour.
ii. Acupuncture can also deal with other medical conditions such as pregnancy induced hypertension and other symptoms such as heart burn and hemorrhoids, insomnia or emotional problems,
It is also good to know that women who received regular pre-birth treatment either go into spontaneous labour around their due dates or, if induction is required, respond well to acupuncture specifically for induction and progress efficiently to a natural birth.
Recommended once a week from week 37
10. Combination Postpartum Treatment Pack for the Golden Month
Although this treatment is specifically for the second week postpartum it’s a wonderful addition to the choices on the menu for expectant mothers to have something to look forward to once their babies have arrived and they can bring them with them to the session.
Toning Massage with Acupuncture and Moxa
More than a luxury, this treatment should be seen as a necessity as it reduces exhaustion, relieves muscle aches and restores metabolic balance.
The course of treatments also helps the uterus to return to normal, prevents and treats postpartum complications and stimulates the body’s natural recovery process.
In addition to acupuncture the specialist practitioner will give an application of Moxa. This in the “Golden Month” phase helps to recharges the new mother’s batteries and encourages with the production of breast milk.
4 x 60 minutes sessions for 1 week
If you would like to book a session or know more about our pregnancy pampering packages and treatments do not hesitate to contact us!
References Pre-birth Acupuncture:
* Kubista E, Kucera H, 1974 “Uber die Anwendung der Akupunktur zur Geburtsvorbereitung” Geburtshilfe Perinatol
** Cardini F, Weixin H 1998 – Moxibustion for correction of breech presentation” Journal of the American Medical Association