Your physical therapist should first conduct a physical examination and discuss your symptoms to evaluate that the treatment is adequate for your pathology and no contraindications apply.
In order to perform the technique, you will lie down and the site of needling should be exposed, sometimes this requires the removal of clothes.
The procedure and reasoning behind it should be explained to you first, and the therapist should not proceed without receiving your informed consent.
The site of needling is determined by the physical therapist according to their clinical hypothesis of the muscles involved in the pathology, and by digital palpation.
Once they have localised the trigger point, the therapist will apply necessary hygienic precautions such as disinfecting the surrounding skin and wearing gloves.
They will insert a needle into the myofascial trigger point, and might touch it with the needle 1-4 times.
This is likely to cause a short spasm or twitch response in the muscle.
Immediately afterwards, the needle is removed and disposed of.
After disinfecting the area, you will be asked move your body a little bit, and report the sensations.